

The responsibilities of the WCCAA Executive Committee are to ensure the effectiveness of the board in governing and supporting WCCAA and its affairs, be a spokesperson for WCCAA, ensure that board matters are handled properly, provide professional development opportunities, and to lead and guide WCCAA in advancing its mission and vision. Beyond these responsibilities, goals will be established yearly.

Chair: Bianca Hill, President

Debbie Drew, Vice President

Chris Phernetton, Treasurer

Melissa Kescenovitz, Secretary

Finance, Scholarship and Sponsorship:

The WCCAA Treasurer and Finance Committee oversee the financial management in reporting the fiscal health of the WCCAA to the board of directors. They are also responsible for all communication to members regarding scholarships, collecting applications, rating the applications and awarding the scholarships. Beyond these responsibilities, goals will be established yearly.

Chair:  Jean Baglien


The WCCAA Advocacy Committee is the liaison between legislative issues in the state/federal government and WCCAA. They will work closely with the WCCAA Lobbyist. They will meet as needed to review current legislative issues.  They shall be responsible for the advocacy and liaison relationships with local, state and federal legislative and regulatory bodies in reference to the provisions of quality child care services. Responsibilities will include, but not limited to: YoungStar, DPI/4K, WI Shares, DCF and any other related legislative areas. Beyond these responsibilities, goals will be established yearly.

Chair: Joan Beck and Linda Kudrna

Board Development:

The WCCAA Board Development Committee is responsible for reviewing and updating WCCAA By-Laws and Policies and Procedures. Reviews of by-laws and policies and procedures must be conducted on a yearly basis. Any by-law changes are to be brought forth to the board by this committee. Other responsibilities are: professional development to include education and training, oversite of regional trainings, and nominations. Beyond these responsibilities, goals will be established yearly.

Chair: Debra Drew

Marketing and Membership:

The WCCAA Membership/Marketing Committee is responsible for promoting and developing awareness and public relations for WCCAA. They will assist board directors in regional development and training. The committee will work closely with the WCCAA Management Association to increase awareness of WCCAA and increase membership. They will also work with the Management Association to add value to membership, any press release, eblasts and creation of marketing materials. Beyond these responsibilities, goals will be established yearly.

Chair: Kelly Zdanovec

Conference Committee and Award Recognition:

Assist the Management Association in preparing for the yearly conference. The Conference Committee reports directly to the WCCAA Vice President. The committee will serve as a liaison with the WCCAA Management Association. They will meet periodically as deemed necessary by the committee and the Management Association to ensure that all aspects of the event are completed.  It is also expected that members of the Committee attend the conference and assist with the set-up before the conference begins and clean-up at the end of the last day. The Conference Coordinator will report back on progress of the planning to the full board at each meeting. Beyond these responsibilities, goals will be established yearly.